- Leisure Fayre of Lyndhurst
- Camping, caravanning and outdoor leisure equipment. Priced product catalogue with ordering instructions, location map and employment opportunities.
- http://www.leisurefayre.com/
- Ultimate Leisure
- Supplyiers of pool tables, video games and other leisure equipment.
- http://www.ultimateleisurecambs.co.uk/
- Sold Secure
- Range of security products tested for a variety of purposes, from vehicle security to leisure equipment, homes and offices, and protecting valuables. Sold Secure tests and provides information regarding effective security products to various clients, including the police and the insurance industry.
- http://www.soldsecure.com/
- Childrens Hope Foundation
- Registered charity that provides learning and leisure equipment and facilities for young persons who suffer from severe illnesses and/or disabilities and for the relief of poverty and the advancement of education.
- http://www.childrenshopefoundation.org.uk