- The Bield United Kingdom
- Self-catering holiday accommodation in rural location. Brief details of facilities and contact details.
- http://www.thebield.gothere.uk.com/
- Coast Path Cottage
- Self catering holiday accommodation in a 1920's wooden bungalow. Provides information about prices and facilities.
- http://www.cottagesdirect.com/cottageDetails.asp?searchId=doa012
- Luccombe Holidays
- Offers a range of self-catering holiday accommodation. Includes descriptions of facilities for children and disabled.
- http://www.luccombeholidays.co.uk/
- Ingleby Manor Country House Apartments
- Historic holiday accommodation in Ingleby Greenhow. History of the building, prices, photos, description and contact details.
- http://website.lineone.net/~mbianco/Index.html
- Period Property UK
- Advice for owners and enthusiasts of old houses and listed buildings. Includes articles, directory, discussion forum and holiday accommodation.
- http://www.periodproperty.co.uk
- New Horizon UK
- A boating and self catering holidays company offering self drive boats within the Norfolk Broads and a range of holiday accommodation.
- http://www.horizonboating.co.uk/
- Wood Farm Holiday Cottages
- Self catering holiday accommodation in the Norfolk countryside at Edgefield. Old flint walled farm buildings with original features. Includes information on accommodation, location and rates.
- http://www.wood-farm.com/
- Turkey Row Cottage
- Self catering holiday accommodation in Surlingham South Norfolk. Includes photos and facilities.
- http://www.turkeyrow.co.uk/
- Yew Tree Cottage
- North Norfolk holiday accommodation available to rent for short breaks. Includes pictures and facilities. Located in the hamlet of Wellingham.
- http://www.yewtreecottage.org/
- Blakeney Bolt Holes
- Specialise in self catering holiday accommodation for couples in and around the village. Accommodation, prices, and contacts.
- http://www.blakeneyboltholes.co.uk/