- All Mixed Up
- Online games including clunk, hangman, tic tac toe, connect 4, and others.
- http://www2.allmixedup.com/
- British Isles Backgammon Association
- UK Backgammon Association with a World Wide Membership, online games, magazine, tournament information and events calendar.
- http://www.backgammon-biba.co.uk/
- Rubik's Online
- The official Rubik's site. Provides forum, online games, contests, and ordering information.
- http://www.rubiks.com/
- John B. Henderson's Chess Column
- The almost daily chess column from the 'The Scotsman' by John B. Henderson, with online games and download.
- http://www.rochadekuppenheim.de/heco/index.html
- Funky Stuff
- Downloads, jokes, online games, free E-mail, illusions, and message board.
- http://www.invernessonline.com/funky/