- CommentWire: Business News and Opinion
- Provides insights and opinions on the key business stories of the day, written by a network of over 200 business experts.
- http://www.commentwire.com/
- News Review
- Corporate, economic and business news. Registration (free) required.
- http://www.news-review.co.uk/
- Scotland on Sunday
- Scotland's Sunday news, sports, business news, features, obituaries and arts, as well as British and world news and events.
- http://www.scotlandonsunday.com/
- Business Gazette
- Monthly free newspaper covering business news.
- http://www.businessgazette.co.uk/
- Titchfield Village
- Community pages including local news, business news and photo reports of key events such as the October Carnival and the Blues Concert.
- http://www.titchfield.net
- The Edinburgh Evening News Online
- Scotland and Edinburgh's daily news, sports, business news, leisure, features, obituraries, arts, crossword, as well as British and World news and events.
- http://www.edinburghnews.com/
- Pontyberem Community Website
- Comprehensive information about this village. Includes photo albums, local business news and links to other sites.
- http://www.pontyberem.com
- Motoring UK
- Offers trade, financial, rallying, motorcycle, and business news. Also includes articles, editorials, and the option to submit news and events through membership.
- http://www.motoring-uk.co.uk/
- Farmers Weekly Interactive
- Information service for the farming industry. Includes business news, weather, market data, products, plant, equipment, stock and other related information.
- http://www.fwi.co.uk/
- Bloomberg UK
- Investor and business news. Market indices and streaming media feed of TV service. Portfolio tracking services for magazine subscribers.
- http://www.bloomberg.com/uk/