- Cotswold and Vale Primary Care Trust
- Includes general information about the trust, latest news, publications including business plan and annual reports, board information including meeting dates and board papers, local services, vacancies, glossary of terms, health advice and contact information.
- http://www.cotsvalepct.org.uk/Default.htm
- Ipswich Primary Care Trust
- Provides information about the Trust including services, business plan and management structure, annual accounts, annual report and board meeting information including dates and board reports, newsletters, policies, press releases, current vacancies and local services information.
- http://www.ipswich-pct.nhs.uk/scripts/default.asp?site_id=2
- MRAccountancy
- Describes services and include business plan downloadable tools. Contact details.
- http://www.mraccountancy.com/
- McPhersons Walpole Harding
- Chartered accountants and auditors. Details of services, business plan preparation, senior staff and financial advice.
- http://www.mcpwh.co.uk/
- Hotwells and Cliftonwood Community Association
- News, business plan, events and local links.
- http://www.hotwellscliftonwood.org.uk/
- ByteStart
- Provides over 500 articles on how to set up a business in the UK, including startup tips, business plan help and a how to set up a company.
- http://www.bytestart.co.uk