- Banks of the Faughan Motel
- Located in Campsie. Includes room rates and online booking.
- http://www.activehotels.com/servlet/xmlbrochure/index.do?hotelid=102058&day=&month=&year=&trkref=AHU&subid=&numrooms=&numnights=&language=&mode=
- Banks St Stephen's CE Primary School
- Information about the school's aims, policies, curriculum, activities and term dates.
- http://www.st-stephens-ce34.lancsngfl.ac.uk/
- Banks Amenity
- Bulk materials for the golf course construction and maintenance, and the landscaper.
- http://www.banksamenity.co.uk/
- J V Banks Financial Planning Limited
- Offers independent financial advice. Includes a list of services and contact information.
- http://www.jvbfp.co.uk
- J.B.Banks and Son Ltd, Ironmonger
- Traditional ironmonger, established and little changed from 1836. History, pictures, current shop details, and details of the property letting services.
- http://www.jbbanks.co.uk/
- Horne and Banks UK
- [Hertford] Plastic injection moulding company, offering services ranging from high volume production runs to ultrasonic welding. Product listing, tool room and plant details.
- http://www.horneandbanks.co.uk/
- Banks Music Publications
- Distributors of choral music, online browsable catalogue.
- http://www.banksmusicpublications.cwc.net/
- Austin Banks Limited
- Independent consultancy specialising in accountancy at all levels on a temporary, contract and permanent basis throughout the county. Includes job search and services. Located in Bentley.
- http://www.austinbanks.co.uk/
- Banks Big & Tall Menswear
- Offers menswear in larger or taller sizes.
- http://www.bigtall.uk.com
- G Herbert Banks
- Residential sales and lettings, farm sales, agriculture properties and land, with a database of available properties.
- http://www.gherbertbanks.co.uk/